Welcome to Buffalo State University
New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation at Buffalo State University is meant to engage students in immersive programming and presentations to become fully prepared for their first semester while creating friendships and connections within their new Bengal family. The Orientation, Transition, and Family Programs Office at Buffalo State University is committed to fostering seamless transitions into the campus community by providing comprehensive, inclusive, and engaging programs for new students and families.
Orientation is required for all first-year, transfer, and international students. We offer an optional program for parent and family members.
Spring New Student Orientation
Registration is now LIVE!
Spring New Student Orientation is now LIVE! New Student Orientation is a required program for all incoming students at Buffalo State University. Our program will be taking place on Friday January 24th, 2025 starting at 8:30am. The program will conclude by 1:30pm.
In addition to the student program, we offer an opptional Parent and Family Program that runs concurrently to the student program. The fee for this program is $40 per parent or family member. If a student wishes to register a guest, they can do so at the time of registration in their Student Applicant Portal.
If you have any questions regarding New Student Orientation, please email us at orientation@buffalostate.edu! We look forward to seeing you on campus this spring!